
What to Expect when you have Expectations of Others

(Originally published 10-25-14. A timeless lesson we all need to remember now and again!)

Did you expect me to wear glasses today?  Did you have any expectations?

Did you expect me to wear glasses today? Did you have any expectations?

Expectations.  Boy was wrong I was about you.

What if I told you the secret to true happiness was always there, inside you?  The corny line that Dorothy was told to by Glinda in OZ….when she got the ruby shoes, lol. Really.  What if I said to you that no amount of money, education or huge career will uncover the true happiness and life success that you know you are missing because you are still not happy?

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We SHALL overcome

Why is it that it doesn’t matter if your kids are grown up and moved away– if something bad happens to them or they are hurting, it hurts us JUST as much, if not more, then if it happened to ourselves.

We want to fix it, change it, do anything possible thing we can to make it better, and if we can’t we at least want to help them through it.  We know having been there many times ourselves that each day things will feel a little better and eventually everything will be okay again.  We know  these are obstacles or “stumbling blocks”, in life that usually come when we are making some sort of progress and are designed for us to trip on, fall over, turn around at or just stop.  To find our way around these sidewalk-cracking boulders is the real key, and it’s not easy, but it is very possible.   And even, after a while of this fancy-footwork, obstacles can be reduced to mere rocks we can just kick out of the way… if we just keep trying and not letting them get us down.

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