Why I’ll Never Forget The Breakfast Club

Today when I went into work I found Pastor had left me an article from the Chicago Tribune on a movie that defined my generation- that is Generation X.  Its the 3010993471_10202828550949443_5730713093598669111_nth anniversary of the movie this year and apparently they will be re-releasing it on the big screen.  As I read the article I had tears in my eyes and that forever immortalized song “Don’t You Forget About Me” in my head.  No, I won’t ever forget; the movie, The Breakfast Club, or John Hughes the writer and director, or anything about that movie.  It was so close to home for me, in so many ways.

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Don’t Sweat the Small Ones

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Courtesy of Google images

I don’t know why when I see a parent “sweating the small ones” it bothers me so, but it does.  Maybe because I did it once upon a time myself and now know how unnecessary it is and wish they wouldn’t. Maybe its because whatever the kid is doing cracks me up and anything that makes me laugh that much can’t be all bad.  I don’t know.

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What to Expect when you have Expectations of Others

(Originally published 10-25-14. A timeless lesson we all need to remember now and again!)

Did you expect me to wear glasses today?  Did you have any expectations?

Did you expect me to wear glasses today? Did you have any expectations?

Expectations.  Boy was wrong I was about you.

What if I told you the secret to true happiness was always there, inside you?  The corny line that Dorothy was told to by Glinda in OZ….when she got the ruby shoes, lol. Really.  What if I said to you that no amount of money, education or huge career will uncover the true happiness and life success that you know you are missing because you are still not happy?

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A Very Busy Grandma Laura Tosses Popcorn

Hi Everyone!!  I’ve been on grandma duty for 6 days in a row, and today is the first day I am not.  So later I’m going to catch you all up on my misadventures as the holidays approach. I am so in need of writing!  But for now, I HAD to share this great little video I did last night of my grandbaby.  I’ve never in my life seen her laugh so hard.

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Remind Me To Stay Motiviated

Okay so I’m going about my day and then BAMM! Something hits me so hard I have to pause and stop and celebrate. Here’s what it is:

WOO HOO! So excited for this movie. So I had to share this old post on such an occasion.  The occasion being finally the redemption of Sarah Connor (I think that should be its subtitle!!). If I didn’t mention it, I’m a movie freak.. in particular Sci-fi.  This series is one of my all time favorites.. and Arnold is back, again!! Its a dream come true for this little geek blogger… thanks for your patronization, I’ll take it!


(Original postdate 8/11/2012.  Not much has changed and a lot has changed.  Enjoy!)

This woman, Sarah Connor (the character) from Terminator II was what inspired me to get in shape years ago after I had my kids.

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Divine Magnificence

I just found this a profoundly commanding, thrilling, mind provoking quote and had to share.  Its beyond words to feel a tenth of that, but when you do your whole idea of magnificence magnifies.


Courtesy of The Afterlife of Billy Fingers -https://www.facebook.com/AfterlifeBillyFingers?fref=photo

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And Now the Service Begins

IMG_6886A phrase ripped right from the new bulletin I read every Sunday as I now attend regularly the church I was baptized in. Coming home again, I found such a comfort and connection with the people here I had to stay because I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else with such warm souls.

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You are Not Living by Human Laws

Courtesy of Simple Reminders

Courtesy of Simple Reminders -simplereminders.com

If we aren’t living by human laws, then whose laws are we living by?

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Just Who is Bob from Staten Island?

Pastor and I have a running joke now- when we talk back and forth from our offices amid the chaos that the holiday season brings to a church, he’ll often bring up Bob from Long Island and make me double over with laughter. Its actually Staten Island and he gets them confused sometimes, lol. Funny how dumb things that happen can turn into moments of happy. Continue reading